iScore is a data collection and analysis software for OMR Bubble sheets, exam forms, assessments, evaluations, with a user-friendly interface that helps you analyze any exam in a few seconds. It is an advanced software developed by a team of highly qualified developers and statisticians. It helps test administrators in scoring and reporting test takers' results with few clicks. It also produces a lot of statistical reports about the test quality; items p-value and discrimination. Thus, it assists test administrators and item writers in identifying test points of strength and weakness. It also generates frequency graphs that help users in identifying how suitable is the test content to test-takers.

Design Templates
Plain paper forms Using MS Word, PDF, image, or iScore designer

Print in normal printers or Multifunction's

Read from scanned images or any image scanner

Analysis Report
Collect data, Easy analysis wizard, and Plenty of reports

IScore software is a piece of software that designs the OMR forms, prints them, and then collects information from optical marks that contain bubbles, plain paper forms and checkboxes. To acquire the data, the software works in tandem with an image scanner.
IScore brings the OMR scanning technology to any PC and with any scanner. IScore is made by educational professionals who have been working in the education and OMR processing for more than 15 years.